
  • DOIs have now been attributed to all JOFDL articles.


    We are delighted to announce that with the support of the Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ) we have registered the Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning ( JOFDL) with Crossref. This means that we are able to assign DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) to all articles, past, present and future, published in JOFDL. You will see these DOIs already displayed on each article page. In future, they will also be printed on the PDF versions of articles.  Our ancestor publication, the Journal of Distance Learning, does not currently have DOIs associated with its articles. We will be exploring this situation in the coming months. For now, in keeping with good practice, you should include the full URL for each DOI in any JOFDL article you cite.

    Read more about DOIs have now been attributed to all JOFDL articles.